Waiting list management policy

The Department of Mental Health and Dependency Programs (DPSMD) of CIUSSS West-Central Montreal is committed to offering quality services to its users, with mutual respect and without discrimination. In order to improve access to services and reduce waiting times, we have adopted the following waiting list management policy.

When we offer you a date and time for your appointment, we take into consideration various factors that may influence your availability, such as the time delay between our call and the proposed time, the distance you have to travel to reach the appointment, and the need to have a loved one present.

We also consider your preferences, whenever possible,  while accounting for the resources available to us and clinical considerations related to your situation.

In addition, we examine the reasons for your unavailability, refusals, postponements or unjustified absences before making any decision regarding the closure of a service episode or the removal of your name from the waiting list.

If your episode of care is closed, a professional will communicate with you to explain the circumstances leading to this step.

If the service episode has been closed or your name has been removed from the waiting list, and you still wish to receive the service, a new service request (including a re-evaluation of its priority) must be submitted.

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